Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sharmi's passions

What is Sharmis Passions?
Sharmi's passions....As the name implies this blog of mine talks all about my passions and interests.First started this blog exclusive for mobiles but then I found myself with varied passions and renamed this blog from 'Mobile world' to 'Sharmi's passions'. When I thought to start a public blog I cudnt settle down with one topic say Mobiles/Photography/Cooking...It was a mix of all these, though the list had priorities....So here you can find recipes, information/tips abt food photography.....say more of my experiences with gadgets and some more stuff to spice it up.

About Me:
I luv working with colors especially on the web and thats why I attempt to keep my blog as well my pics colorful.I cant say I am very passionate about cooking as am not a regular cook........just a innovative recipe hunter who does cooking now n then. Just have entered into the world of baking and am just loving it.Greatly interested in food photography and this blog is a platform for all my learnings.

Behind Sharmis Passions:
Its only me as a author for this blog but the credit for the successful running of this blog should go to my mother, hubby and my dear friends....And to my lil one who is the sole reason for this blog as I seriously started looking out for new and healthy recipes only after her birth though she hasnt started tasting all of my eagerly waiting for her to.....What started as a passtime is now a great passion to me - Both cooking & clicking but to be true I cook to click :)

Whats different about Sharmis Passions
One place for recipes for healthy food, low fat baked goodies, tips on food photography, gadgets etc.

Amma - she is my all time motivator and a great cook (admitted this only when I started cooking...;)) As with the case with everyone she is my first inspiration!

Camera I use & Editing Tools:
I use a simple point and shoot camera - Its Olympus Fe280. From now on (Jan 2011) I am using a Nikon D3100 DSLR.I use Photoshop for editing and adding banners. I believe strongly that editing the pics more will reduce the naturalness in most of my pics are only slightly edited for brightness and size reduction.

Contact Me:
Have any queries or suggestions......write to me at Would love to hear from you!