Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Carrot Juice - The Natural Fanta!

After about 35 days of living with the dust and the smell of paint, all our music was the driller machines sound all these days......Yes finally the interior work is over and we are totally relieved though few works are pending which are very minor. I tell you, it isnt that easy to get things done after occupying.....the house was in a total mess all these days and we are in the process of slowly arranging things. Next comes my job search, hope everything goes smooth :)

About this carrot juice recipe, amma learnt it from our neighbor.Once when it was served, we were clueless that it was from carrots, first we asked was it rasna? we were totally surprised to know that it was carrot juice. It is not only healthy but tasty at the same time, with lemon juice it tastes close to fanta minus the foodcolors and soda. Isn't that interesting?!
Carrot Juice Recipe


  • Carrots - 2 medium sized cut into small
  • Water - 1 cup
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Lemon - 1
  • Ginger - 1/4 inch piece [optional]
  1. Add carrots and ginger in a blender/mixer with little water say 2 tbsp and blend it until its crushed well. Blend it for 2 times to extract the pulp completely.

  2. Now strain it using a strainer and press the pulp with a spoon, so that the juice is extracted completely.

  3. Then add the extracted carrot juice to a glass, squeeze lemon juice(taking care to omit the seeds), sugar, salt and remaining water and mix well.Recommended to serve cold.

Carrot Juice Recipe

My Notes :
  • If your carrots are sweet enough, then you can reduce sugar to 1/2 tsp or omit the sugar completely.

  • For the above mentioned quantity, it serves 2 small glasses(as in the pic). I picked fresh tender carrots to get the nice orangey color, guess it worked out :)

  • You can make this juice and refrigerate, it keeps well for about a week. Carrots with a dash of lemon makes it all the more healthy and tasty.

  • The recipe calls for ginger, but its purely optional. I sometimes omit it to relish the true taste close to fanta :)

Its truely a tongue tickling drink with the sweetness of sugar and the tanginess lemon brings in. Try this refreshing drink and enjoy yourself. Stay tuned for the next post - Homemade Pizza with stepwise.


  1. Wow... the drink looks so refreshing...
    will surely make it, thnx to you n your mom for the beautiful recipe, sharmi :)

  2. I am so glad u r finally relaxing with all ur interior job completed. And I am sure things would fall into place and you will land in ur dream job :)
    But currently I am enjoying the lovely clicks of the carrot juice.


  3. yummy.. i love carrot juice. always bought readymade. never tried at home.

  4. oh i can't wait to see your pizza post. looks so good.

  5. Really love this drink,love the lemon and ginger addition, as I hate the smell of boring carrots,those two would be doing a good job!

  6. Wounderful colour.Refreshing and healthy...........

  7. OMG..What a wonderful colour... really tempting dear..

  8. very interesting .. never had carrot juice before ...loved ur pic as well

  9. OMG...What a wonderful colour.. really tempting dear..

  10. Loved the color of it......Cant make out its carrot juice...

  11. haiiii super :) Never knew carrot juice can look this attractive :) a must try for me. will do it asap and let you know :)

  12. wow....super color and ingredients...yummy!!

  13. I've never made carrot juice at home. This recipe of yours is surely worth a try. All the best with your job hunt :)

  14. Carrot juice with lemon and ginger in it must be abosultely delicious..great clicks too.

  15. nice n refreshing..like the color n the ginger touch!

    US Masala

  16. Wonderful color and great pic, what a refreshing drink.. will try it out for sure.
    Best wishes for all new things and job hunt!

  17. Lovely color for this refreshing carrot juice. Beautiful click.

  18. My fav drink, i do often carrot juice with lemon & ginger..Beautiful clicks Sharmi..

  19. love the new version of carrot juice. this i make everyday for my family, which they take along with their breakfast.But i add milk,Will try this for a change.looks very nice and my kids will lo ve this too

  20. I tried this carrot juice Sharmi, it was refreshing and gave a cleansing feeling.
    And did get that deep orange color, beautiful!
    thanks for the recipe!

  21. @Nimi : Oh wow, tried it already....gud to hear that it turned out well. :)

  22. Good luck with our move in and job hunt. The carrot juice is something I will be making because I have a 5 pound bag of carrots sitting in my fridge and this would be a great thing to have. My husband and daughter love carrot juice. Will make this for them.

  23. wow what a color ... so refreshing ....... will try soon ...

  24. Sharmi...This is wonderful dear. My mom used to make me drink this all the time and now i miss it...

    B/W do you use any extra lighting to click??

  25. Refreshing drink..love the color, am going to make this right away.so nice:)

  26. @Kairalisisters : No I dont use any extra lighting,just click in natural sunlight and use PS CS3 for editing the pics

  27. housework is always a pain especially when done while staying in the same. the natural fanta looks awesome.

  28. oh i need to make this..looks so refreshing...nice clicks too..
    Good to hear that the works are almost done :)..Good luck!!!
    the mention of Fanta is making me crave for some!!

  29. Love all your recipes Sharlilee! They are always so simple and easy, something I always am out hunting for :-)
    Good work!

  30. Im sure its healthy and all but somehow im averse to veg juices. But that colour is so pretty

  31. So colorful n i feel like trying it right away,hopefully very soon sharmi .Thanks for the recipe dear.Good luck on your job search.


  32. Healthy and refreshing drink!! Brilliant photography, Sharmi..Stunning pics..What a color!!

  33. Congrats on your new home! The healthy drink looks lovely too.

  34. refreshing drink..looks lovely and colorful!!!

  35. Good to hear, you are settling down..

    Lovely Colourfull Juice!!

    Waiting for Pizza post!

  36. Lovely blog,and the feel of relief and excitement once the interior work is done ,is something else!!
    I love how u compare carrot juice to fanta,lol!

  37. very tempting and healthy juice.. looks really good.. awesome presentation.. thanks for sharing !!

  38. this is my fav sharmi, nature colour at its best :)

  39. A very healthy drink! I sometimes like to add an apple in it...and blend together!

  40. A very creative name for the drink, pics look very good too.

  41. Looks so beautiful.Very healthy and refreshing drink.Nice recipe.

  42. Healthy juice and pic. looks so beautiful dear.

  43. Very refreshing!!! Thanks for sharing:)

  44. Good Luck with ur job hunting.Healthy Drink!

  45. What an awesome colorful healthy drink! am in for it..will give a try with lemon juice..

    Aaha Oho

  46. I am aware of all the benifits of carrots,which are too many too list,really.The fact that you gave us this amazing recipe for making this at home is so very comforting. I always like things more when they are fresh&organic,I normally always carry a bottle of Bolthouse carrot juice in my fridge,but now I will make this fresh juice:)Thanks for stopping by at my blog,I now get a chance to look at yours:)

  47. Refreshing and healthy carrot juice...Yum!

  48. Thanks girls for all those encouraging words....
    @Mrs.K : Yes this fresh juice is healthy n tasty at the same time

  49. Had it not been 10:30 at night right now, I'd probably be in the kitchen making this right now. Looks fantastic. And I can almost guarantee that I'm making this tomorrow!

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