Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pori Urundai for Karthigai Deepam

First of all thanks to everyone for the encouraging words for my previous pizza stepwise post. It made all the efforts I had put in fruitful :)

I am fond of lighting lamps and arranging them outside and inside the house, who doesnt?! This year for blogging sake, made pori urundai in advance. These days my little one has become a choosy eater(now mothers gene at work ;)), But pori is her favorite right from the day she tasted it. So this time when I tried pori urundai at home I made sure to make tiny balls to give it to her, seeing her smile to a mile, I was a contented mother :)
Pori Urundai Recipe

Pori Urundai (Sweet Puffed Rice Balls) Ingredients:
  • Pori / Puffed rice- 3 and 1/2 cups
  • Jaggery - 1/2 cup
  • Water - 1/4 cup or little less than that (It should be just for the level of jaggery to immerse)
  • Elachi powder - a pinch
  • Ghee - 1 tsp to grease hands

Pori Urundai Recipe

  1. First add jaggery in a wide bottomed bowl, add water and dissolve it well, keep aside for sometime so that the jaggery gets dissolved completely.Now strain using a strainer to remove the impurities and keep aside.

  2. Now switch on stove and add strained jaggery water/syrup in a wide pan and add elachi powder. Stir continously and check it throughout so that we dont leave the consistency.

  3. Consistency check : Keep a seperate bowl ready filled with water.Take a drop of jaggery syrup and put it in water, it should stand firm and not dissolve. It should form a slightly hard but flexible ball when you roll it with your fingers and see. When this consistency is reached, add the pori and switch off.

  4. Now stir well, so that pori gets completely coated with the jaggery syrup. By the time of stirring, the hotness would be hand bearable.

  5. Grease your palms and roll them into tight balls. Dont let it cool else it would be hard to roll them into balls.Store in airtight container and enjoy!

Pori Urundai Recipe
Karthigai Deepam is a festival of lights, celebrated in the Tamil month of Kaarthigai. It is celebrated on the full moon day of the Kaarthigai month which coincides with Krithikai star. It is also considered as the extension of the Deepavali festival. The lighted lamp is considered an auspicious symbol. It is believed to ward off evil forces and usher in prosperity and joy. While the lighted lamp is important for all Hindu rituals and festivals, it is indispensable for Karthigai.

Rows of agal vilakkus (oil lit lamps) in front of every house... this is the image that at once comes to mind when we think of Karthigai Deepam - the festival of lights that is celebrated throughout Tamil Nadu during the month of Karthigai (November-December). Not many of us are aware that it is one of the oldest festivals celebrated in the state, perhaps even before people began celebrating Deepavali and Navarathri.

Pori Urundai Recipe
Hope you all have fun lighting lamps and bursting crackers. See you all in the next post!!


  1. my fav pori urundai. looks yummy. nice click too:) i love it :)

  2. Sharmilee, you meade me crave for this now,Absolutely tempting ...

  3. The pori urundais look perfect... i'm planning to try them this year since my mom, the expert is around to help.
    Happy Kaarthigai.

  4. Love this a lot...Your photo has inspired me to make this .... will let u know ...

  5. Wowww.. pori urundai looks so neat and inviting. Its a total guilt free snack. Love it :) Awesome pics. Love the lighting in the first pic :) Soooper :)

  6. looks so nice. simple and yummy.. i love it too.

  7. Lovely clicks pori undai, this looks so perfect

  8. Hi dear..could you parcel some my way, i love this so much...very perfectly done!

    US Masala

  9. It is so inviting! Happy Karthigai in advance!

  10. so cute..i rem eating them long bag in chennai

  11. Very happy for Karthigai Deepam and pori balls looks fantastic :)

  12. looks yummy and lovely...beautiful presentation!!

  13. Hey! I almost forgot when is karthigai deepam? Love pori urandai.Looks amazing.

  14. awww these look so yummy and light,I love the way you have set it up,it looks so festive:)

  15. My fav pori urundai, feel like grabbing..

  16. Awesome photography and those sweet puffed rice balls look so crunchy and delicious.

  17. Supera irukku sharmi.. all the pictures are class. Perfect pori urundai.. Yummy!!!

  18. Has come out perfect,nice clicks,happy karthigai deepam to you and everyone there!!

  19. Snaps are awesome.The diyas are in dark and light just falls on the pori urundai alone. Nice photography.

  20. Yesterday i tried your oats peanuts bar with Nylon beaten rice(Aval)sugar & honey.I baked it in preheated oven for 10 minutes.But within 5 minutes ,the center portion Started turning brown like that of caramelised sugar.I stopped the process.After cooling tasted a piece of it and it was good.pls, advice.

  21. @indianspicemagic : Aval is very thinner than oats, guess the time and temperature should vary for aval. May be you can minimize the temperature and time for baking a bit and try.Hope this helps!

  22. சூப்பர்ப் சர்மிளா...படங்கள் அனைத்து அருமை...

  23. Lovely pics shrami.. i liked the 2nd one a lot...This used to be my childhood snack and was my favorite..its been ages I had it...

  24. Wow so beautiful pic.pori urudai looks great

  25. Beautiful pics and so yum looking urundai...

    By the way, the pori should be added after removing the jaggery syrup from fire isn't it? And how is it that we can know if the jaggery ball is hard on putting into water?

    Karthika wishes for you too Sharmi,
    I loved the photograph of the lamps ... very nice!

  26. @Nimi : Yes once you add pori, switch off else the syrup will harden more making it hard to roll into balls. After switching off, act fast in mixing well and making tight balls.

    Reg the consistency check : You should put a tiny drop in water, then roll it with ur fingers and see, it should form a slighly hard ball - thats the right consistency.

    Have updated the description again.Hope this helps!

  27. Perfect poriurundais,clicks are beautiful with the lamp background. Wishes to u and ur family on karthigai deepam

  28. My mom used to make these--- we called them kurmuryache ladoo in Marathi :) Yours look perfect.

  29. They look so perfect and yummy!! Lovely clicks as usual..

  30. WOW! Absolutely amazing..reminds me of my childhood. Very well presented.

  31. Looks delicious .... nice clicks.

  32. Thats one tempting pori all time fav

    Aaha Oho

  33. Poori urundai looks fabulous! Thats tempting me now!

  34. Thanks Sharmi for the update, that is very clear.

  35. What a delicious treat. My childhood favorite comeback. I just wish I could find puffed rice in my neck of the woods so i can make these I must say you have beautiful photos. Cheers!

  36. I looooove Pori urundai,but never tried making it.Yours looks so so good!!

  37. What more can you ask for when you have a perfect pori urundai and a perfect smile and a contended mom! Enjoy it all!
