Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ammini Kozhukattai and Ellu Urundai | Vinayagar Chathurthi Recipes

I had enough of kozhukattais yesterday and didnt forget to feed sharmis passions so here it is :) Ammini Kozhukattai or also called as mini or mani kozhukattai - I have no clue of the orgin of the name but they are easy to make and gets emptied in no time.I am sure most days when we make poornam kozhukattais we have leftover outer dough so we can make these mini kozhukattias in no time. And from monday the diet series will resume back so keep watching
Vinayagar Chathurthi Recipes

Ammini Kozhukattai Recipe Ingredients :
  • Rice flour - 1/2 cup
  • Salt - as required
  • Coconut - 2 tbsp
  • Hot Water - as required
To temper :
  • Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  • Urad dhal - 1/2 tsp
  • Hing (Perungayam ) - a pinch
  • Curry leaves - few
  • Turmeric powder - a pinch

Ammini Kozhukattai Recipe
First sieve the rice flour 2-3 times, keep aside. Boil water, Take rice flour in a wide bowl.
How to make_kozhukattai ouerdough
Add the boiling water little by little and mix it with the help of a wooden laddle. Mix it till it gathers to a smooth dough. Allow it to cool for 2-3 mins then knead once with your hands to make a smooth dough but it will be slightly sticky.Keep aside.
How to make_kozhukattai ouerdough
The dough will be very soft but sticky.Slightly grease your hands with oil and make small sized balls as shown below.
Ammini/Mini Kozhukattai Step1
Steam the balls for 10-12mins or as required. The outer layer would have turned shiny. Take out the kozhukattais carefully without breaking and set aside to cool.
Ammini/Mini Kozhukattai Step2
Now heat oil, add mustard seeds, urad dhal let it crackle then add curry leaves,red chillies, turmeric powder and hing. Next add coconut saute till slightly browned then add required salt. Mix well.
Ammini/Mini Kozhukattai Step3
Now add the mani kozhukattais and give a quick stir , mix well and switch off. Your mani / mini or ammini kozhukattais are ready
Ammini / Mini Kozhukattai Step4
These kozhukattais are easy to make and they are very flavourful.This is best suited for the festive occassion as it can be done in a jiffy when there is leftover outer dough.

My Notes:
  • Add boiling water little by little to get the desired dough consistency. The dough should gather to well but still it will be sticky when touched with ur hands.
  • Just grease your hands with little oil if you feel sticky while rolling.
Ammini / Mini Kozhukattai  Recipe

Ellu Urundai / Sesame Ladoos Ingredients :

  • White / Black Sesame - 1 cup
  • Jaggery - 3/4 cup
  • Cardomom powder - a pinch (optional)

Ellu Urundai Recipe
Dry roast the sesame till nice nutty aroma comes and it turns browned. Allow it to cool then grind it in a mixer to a coarse powder.
Ellu Urundai Step1
Then add jaggery and run the mixie once or twice again to make it combined.Add elachi powder and combine well..Then roll them tight into balls and store it in airtight container.

Ellu Urundai Step2
My Notes:
  • Make sure you first grind sesame coarsely then add jaggery to it for even grinding. Some make ellu urundai without grinding itself but I prefer this way :)
  • I didnt add ghee or oil, the oil leaving from the sesame was just enough to form balls.But if you want you can add 1 or 2 tsp of ghee.
  • You can use black or white sesame for making these ladoos
  • You can add ghee roasted chopped nuts too.
Ellu Urundai
Easy yummy ladoos are ready, have and bite and enjoy.After the heavy festive recipes are you getting ready to peep in my diet series? See you all soon on monday! :)

Ellu Urundai Recipe


  1. Wow! Ellu urundai and kozhukattai looks superb! Perfectly shaped and cute..

  2. Awesome.. Love those cute little kozhukattais.. And that is a cute name :)

  3. Wow.. these look so yummy and perfect. Reminds me of my mom's cooking..

  4. Looking good Sharmi. I have reserved leftover outer cover mix and the pooranam for making this tomorrow.


  5. Beautiful everything abt this post. Wish U and family Happy ganesh Chaturthi.

  6. Same pinch I too made this mini kozhukattai today with the left over dough :)
    Yours look so inviting n colorful I didn't add turmeric to it...your pictures were awesome ...Elu urandai also looks so tempting...lovely clicks Sharmi...treat for my eyes :)

  7. absolutely love those cute little kozhukattais..lovely presentation

  8. We make this for dinner some times in ordinary days and even more tiny tiny :) Also we have not powdered ellu for urundai,enjoyed your version.

  9. They look super duper cute Sharmi. Loved your version of ellu urundai.

  10. Sesame ladoo looks tempting and superb, Sharmee..

  11. love both hv to def try ellu urundai bookmarked!!!

  12. hmmmm....this looks heavenly....bookmarked!!

  13. These look lovely treats for Chaturthi. We too make yellu unde for festivals, havent made any this year though. Yum!

  14. I enjoy these more than the sweet ones actually. Love them plain as well :) Nice post :)

  15. Loved all the pics. Very interesting preparation. Thanks for the step by step pics.

  16. Yummy recipes for ganesh chathurthi. my eyes just stopped a moment on ellu urundai and standby for few minutes. Nice pictures.


  17. These kozhukattais look gorgeous!! Lovely pics :)

  18. Love sesame and these look so tempting!

  19. Both the recipes look so yum... Loved the cute ammini kozhukattais...

  20. Yummy & inviting!!! Tries ur urad filled kozhukattai today & they came out superb!! Thx for the wonderful recipe Sharmi :))
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  21. @Prathima : Thats great it tunred out glad!! Thanks for trying and letting me know the feedback :)

  22. Both looks marvellous and quite healthy..

  23. beautiful clicks sharmi.. really tempting :)

  24. Very tempting and yummy dish. Am no kozhukattai is my all time fav

  25. sharmi the rice balls look awesome. i'll definitely try it

  26. Just love the clicks..yummy and tempting :)

  27. Love both these recipe..both looks georgeous

  28. Love both the recipes and presentation. the first dish is very new to me. Hope you had a wonderful festival. :)

  29. I love love this ammini kozhukattai, and the pics are nice ..:)

  30. Feel like grabbing the koxhukattais.sesame laddoo is my fav.

  31. Enjoyed both of these recipes, rice kozhukattai sounds simple to make...

  32. yummy dishes and looks so tempting with wonderful clicks .... glad to follow u .....

  33. both the dishes look so cute n delicious..lovely clicks..

  34. Makes me drool,feel like having some..

  35. That looks delectable. Thanks for sharing the steps in photography.

  36. I have never made anything like this, but they look wonderful and I love trying new things. Your photos and directions are excellent. Thanks!

  37. Looks perfect those mini kozhukattai- we use to have like snack! Ellu urundai is quiet tempting too!

  38. I never had that before but it looks so yum and bright in color.

  39. Wow, they look gorgeous. Ellu urundai is really way amazing dear.
