Saturday, September 3, 2011

Badam Ragi Malt - Healthy teatime drink | Healthy Diet Plan #5

The healthy diet series is back!! You can check out the previous posts here. We use ragi in our weekly diet either in the form of dosas or kozhukattais or this porridge. This is my favourite as its easy to make and is healthy too. My tummy never kicks for the 6pm snacks when I have this for 4PM teatime :)
Badam Ragi Malt Recipe

Badam Ragi Malt Recipe Ingredients :
  • Ragi flour - 4 tbsp
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Badam powdered / chopped finely - 1 tbsp

Badam Ragi Malt RecipeMethod:
  1. Dry roast ragi flour till nice aroma comes, it may take 3-5 mins. Set aside.
  2. Take 1/2 cup milk add a tbsp of ragi flour to it and make it to a smooth paste. Set aside.
  3. Heat boiled milk then add the ragi milk paste, sugar to it. Stir continuously making sure no lumps are formed. Add 1/2 cup water and mix well.
  4. Keep stirring till it becomes slightly thick like porridge but still in pouring consistency. Add cardamom powder, give a quick stir and then switch off. Garnish with powdered almonds and serve hot or warm.
Badam Ragi Malt RecipeMy Notes :
  • Stir continuously as after adding the ragi paste, the mixture starts thickening faster so take care to avoid lumps.
  • If you are making in advance before serving, then add little milk while serving to make it to drinking consistency.
  • You can also add a tsp of MTR badam mix for extra flavour.
Badam Ragi Malt Recipe

This tastes best when served hot and is very healthy too. If you have it for teatime, you will feel full till dinner time as its very filling.

Badam Ragi Malt Recipe

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