Sunday, May 29, 2011

Oats Appam | Oats Recipes

I've to mention, my cousin is one of the supporters for this space. She gives me tips, suggestions and pings me whenever she comes across any new recipes. Few months back, on our usual phone chat sessions, she mentioned about the wheat flour appam and the idea of using of paniyaram pan. She also suggested me to try oats combination with it, I did and totally loved the taste. What more is needed to tempt me when the recipe has oats :) I tried with a pack of saffola oats and it worked like a charm.
Oats Appam Recipe

Oats Appam Recipe:
Makes around 15-20 appams

  • Oats - 3/4 cup
  • Wheat flour - 1/4 cup
  • Banana - 1 small
  • Cooking soda - a pinch
  • Rice flour - 1 tbsp
  • Jaggery powdered - 1/2 cup
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Coconut - 1 tbsp
  • Elachi powdered - 1 tsp (optional)
  • Oil - as required

Oats Appam Recipe
  1. Dry roast oats until color changes slightly and a nice aroma comes. Cool down and grind it to a fine powder.
  2. Mix oats powder with wheat flour, add water, jaggery, cooking soda and rice flour. Mix well.
  3. Smash the banana and add it along with grated coconut. Add powdered elachi and mix well until a batter of the below shown consistency is formed.
  4. Take a paniyaram pan add little oil in each hole. Fill each hole with 3/4th of the batter. Allow it cook, then turn over and cook on both the sides. Serve hot.
Oats Appam Recipe
My Notes:
  • I didnt use banana but it is preffered as it gives the appam a nice soft and fluffy texture.
  • You can replace oats with wheat flour and make it as regular gothumai appam.
  • Usually appams are deep fried, but I wanted to make a low calorie version so added oats and roasted them in paniyaram pan. You can alternatively deep fry them too.
  • Adjust water according to the consistency of the batter. If the batter tends to thicken in between then add little more water.
Oats Appam Recipe

This is sure an alternative to the usual oats recipes, quick to make and filling for breakfast or teatime snack.Oats has a lot of health benefits so try to include it your daily diet. I love oats in any form right the oats porridge to the granola bars. I recently tried even a fudge brownie with it, which I'll be posting soon :)

Oats Appam Recipe


  1. very interesting n healthy appam!!perfect evening snack!

  2. wonderful clicks and the appam looks very cute , my daughter's fav too. will try adding oats to that next time. Love that koodai, reminds me of the vendors selling fruits in trains

  3. wow goooyyy i love it very simple n yumm ...

  4. Oats in appa is something so good :) It makes the appam healthy as well. I just love the aroma of bananas in appam :) Will try this out with banana added sometime soon :)

  5. wow loved the instantness of this delicious dish...wanna try this one for breakfast sometime ...thanks

  6. I loved that tiny basket in which u served appams!!!
    looks really yummy...I don't make this appam...but hubby likes d deep fried version of it...adding oats to appam makes it more healthy too..:)

  7. So so cute presentation,never tried making appam,will have to try for sure,looks nice!

  8. Hey Sharmilee!!

    Oats panniyaram looks so yummy and tasty...Feel like grabbing a few!!:)Cute clicks too!!:)


  9. That;s a very healthy and a power packed twist to the traditional Appam!!! Loved the shots :)

  10. Wow what a delicious variation to the savoury paniyaram! Going to try this soon!

  11. this looks very good and love the idea of adding oats :)

  12. Healthy appams, love that beautiful presentation Sharmi..

  13. wow...wheat flour n oats comboo looks nice n delicious...i loved it...

  14. Interesting & a healthy snack..Looks ready to be devoured!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  15. Oats appam is so creative! I have tasted the usual ones in my friends tiffin and liked them so I am sure I would love these as well.

  16. Tes appams me semblent délicieux. De plus, très bons pour la santé. Bravo!!!!
    See soon

  17. Oats Appam is delicious, very innovative and healthy too. Wonderful clicks.

    Thank you for stopping by and dropping in my blog. You have a wonderful blog with stunning clicks. Happy to follow you.

    Prathima Shivraj

  18. Oats appam is such a brilliant idea -- looks similar to our unniyappam -- YUM! Loved the wicker basket and your last pic a lot!

  19. Wow..such a great idea to try it with Oats!Been waiting for the recipe ever since I saw this on your side bar!

  20. Appam looks very nice, yummy and tempting. Perfect for snacks. I feel like having it now.

  21. Your appam looks so tempting to eat. Mind to share some please :))

  22. A fantastic idea! Loved your wicker basket, makes for a great presentation!
    US Masala

  23. Hi Sharmi, Oats appam is absolutely delicious, great idea to make the dish. Very first time to ur blog, u have so many variety of nice recipes. Happily following u now.

  24. Healthy and cute little appams look so inviting...

  25. Hmmmm ...... gr8 idea for an innovative Appam. Nice clicks !!

  26. Adding oats is such a lovely tip.

  27. flavourful treats appam looks healthy and delicious

  28. This looks have a lovely blog...I am having a giveaway in my blog..Y dont you check and join that

  29. Healthy n yum ...looks very gud

  30. Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. These yummy treats almost look like muffins, so healthy and delish:DDD

  31. very nice. gr8 idea to use oats in appam :)

  32. Hi Sharmilee, thanks for visiting my space and for your nice comments. You have a wonderful space here with lots of interesting recipes. Oats appam is very new to me. Indeed an encouraging way to include oats in our diet.

    Am happy to follow you. Keep visiting my space too :-)

  33. mmmmmm oats! i will definitely try those.. looks so tasty and it's healthy :) thank you!

    have a nice day,

  34. Totally new to me, using oats in appam..Love it

  35. oats appam looks delicious. nice recipe.

  36. Sharmi..made these today..but they soaked up a lot of oil in the pan-any reason for that or anyw ay I can reduce it?
    Tasted great though. I made pancakes with rest of the batter trying to keep it healthy.
    When I make Uniiappam-I soak one papadam in water and add it to batter-this acc to my mom prevents from soaking a lot of oil-may be next time I try-will do that also. Love the idea of adding oats

  37. @Sonia :Did u try with paniyaram pan? If so, sorry Sonia, as I'm not sure of the reason..... I've always tried with paniyaram pan and have never faced this issue. Gud idea of making pancakes with them...:)

  38. @Jeyashri : Thank you, I got the basket on a roadside where they weave it :)

  39. aww cute basket and nice twist in appam!

  40. I love it!!!

    Francesca di SingerFood & Chiccherie

  41. Wowwwwwwwwww... looks so tempting and amazing.. loved the basket a lot dear.. amazing presentation :)
    Indian Cuisine

  42. Tried oats appam and came out very well..Loved by all at home though nobody prefers oats as such !!!Thanks for the recipe...

  43. @Sheeja : Glad to know that u all liked it...Its my kids favourite too :) Thanks for trying and letting me know the feedback :)

  44. i love appam! oh mine, oats appam is healthy!

  45. Oh my goodness! This looks so fragrant and delicious and healthy! if only I had the right pan. If there was a way to make these without the appam pan...

  46. @Erica : You can make it by scooping out a spoon of batter, pouring it in a pan filled with oil and deep fry it but the health factor is lost here when u deep fry it...but tastewise no compromise at all
