Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Oats,Cornflakes Fruit and Nut Bars | Breakfast Bars

I tried these oats cornflakes fruit and nut bars long back, And since then its often in my do list atleast once a month. I have modified the recipe after trying with 2-3 variations of measurements and finally sticking to this one. This is ideal for breakfast with a cup of milk which is very filling at the same time you can be happy to have started the day on a healthy note. Isnt that nice?!
Oats,Cornflakes Fruit & Nut Bars

Ingredients: [Recipe Source : Sunitas world]

Yields 9 bite sized squares
  • Oats - 1 cup (100gms)
  • Cornflakes/Wheat flakes - 1/2 cup (50gms) - I used wheat flakes
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp
  • Raisins - 1.5 tsp
  • Walnuts - 1.5 tbsp chopped
  • Choco Chips - 1/2 tbsp
  • Jaggery - 1/2 cup (50gms)
  • Yogurt - 1/2 cup (50 gms)
  • Cooking oil - 1.5 tbsp
  • Coco powder - 1 tsp [optional]
  1. In a wide bowl, mix together oats,wheat flakes, wheat flour, walnuts, raisins and choco chips, coco powder together. Just crush the wheat flakes with your hands if the flakes are very big.

  2. Just add water to jaggery till immersing level say 1tbsp and leave it for few mins for it to become a syrupy consistency. Then add it to the flour oats mixture. Now add yogurt and oil to the mixture. Just mix to bring everything together.

  3. Preheat oven to 180 deg C for 10mins. Meanwhile grease a baking tray with little oil and spread the mixture on it with 1/2 inch thickness. Use back of a spoon to smoothen the top.

  4. Bake it for 35-40 mins till it is nicely browned. Keep an eye after 30mins because mine got baked perfectly in 35mins. Transfer it to the wire rack and cool it for 10mins before marking squares.Store it in airtight container and enjoy.

Nuts and oats combination is not only healthy, they are very tasty and ideal for on the go breakfast.The batter looks a bit sticky...These bars sounds close to granola bars but tastes different with the addition of wheat flour, yogurt and jaggery.

Oats,Cornflakes Fruit & Nut Bars

I like to try different types of cereal bars as they are not only healthy and ideal for breakfast, at the same time they fill in our after 3PM tummy cravings too. Only the baking time is a little more, otherwise the preperations are nothing at all.

My Notes

  • I wanted to try the chocolate flavour so added coco powder, you can omit that too. I have tried both ways and luved both of them :)

  • The nuts and dry fruits that goes in the bars are purely our choice, Some variations can be adding dates, black currant etc. The top is slightly crispy and softer, chewy inside.

Oats,Cornflakes Fruit & Nut Bars


  1. wow..mouth watering clicks...feel like having it now..looks soooo perfect,healthy and super delicious..

  2. Looks delicious ...wonderful way to start a day....nice clicks

  3. looks so yummy.. will surely try it out this weekend.wonderful clicks too.

  4. What a great way to start your day..nice recipe dear :)

    US Masala

  5. wow innovative bar.....very healthy and delicious too

  6. Oh that looks really good. It's been a while since i made any bars... thanks for the reminder.

  7. Looks yummy ..yah as u said best way to start the day with healthy stuffs.

  8. I will make this for sure. Thanks for sharing the lovely recipe!

  9. Way to kick out a busy morning, looks quiet nutritious this fruit squares.

  10. This will be very handy for busy mornings for office goers, good snack too, not a big fan of bars though..

  11. Lovely bars... very filling and yummy...great combination of flavours.

  12. It looks so perfect..Great pics as always!

  13. Very healthy ones dear, perfect for the breakfast.


  14. great way to start up the day with these healthy bars.. nice clicks

  15. Delicious and healthy bars...Looks very inviting.

  16. Lovely healthy bars..will try sometime...

  17. such a healthy variation from the normal ones...wheat flour and wheat flakes...what a wonderful combination.

  18. Wat a delicious and healthy bars to start a day,beautiful !

  19. Beautiful clicks!!! And the bars look toooo... tempting...

  20. These healthy and delicious bars would make a great breakfast :-)

  21. Wonderful bars...i never made them...

  22. They look so good and so so yumm and healthy too.

  23. Mouthwatering bar,healthy and tempting...

  24. Super healthy and interesting to snack on too :) bookmarked and scheduled to make it pretty soon too :)

  25. Oh my...the bars looks amazingly yummy Sharmi..Love it...

  26. Really healthy and delicious bars,perfect for busy mornings,thanks for sharing.

  27. This is a super way to start a day !! Luv the color ..... yummm

  28. Delicious healthy breakfast bars.

  29. This is sooo perfect...love the way you presented!!Healthy and delicious!!

  30. அருமையாக இருக்கின்றது...ஹெல்தியான bars...

  31. If I eat this for breakfast, I won't stop till lunch. Looks like the packaged honey oat bars which I love! Thanks for the recipe -will try it sometime.

  32. awsam dish dear.... bouth he aacha lagaa aapka blog
    Keep Visiting My Blog Thanx...
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  33. nice recipe..nice clicks..looks so yummy!!

  34. oh that looks delish and how healthy is it!

  35. I love those store bought brekfast bars.. bt wow... now its here to make it myself.


  36. wow looking bars with all the ingredients on my fav list! will try this.

  37. This is a guilt free snack. Looks so delicious
