Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Eggless Custard Powder Snack Cake - Step by Step Recipe

I tried this cake long back and was totally impressed with it. This recipe is a winner as it withstood my experiment ;) Yes as usual I reduced the butter totally and the cake came out just awesome. Most of the time I make sure my baked goodies are low fat so that we dont feel the guilt of enjoying them but yeah there are exceptions always....:)

After my successful try with custard powder in biscuits I went ahead with this custard powder cake as I got very tempted seeing in many blogs. But when I saw it in Divyas blog I tried it the same day as I cudnt resist myself anymore.....:)
Puliyogare Recipe

Eggless Custard Powder Snack Cake Recipe:
Recipe Reference : Divyas Cook Book
  • Maida / All Purpose flour - 1 and 1/2 cups (225 gms)
  • Vanilla flavoured Custard Powder or Cornflour - 3/4 cup (100 gms)
  • Baking powder - 1 1/4 tsp
  • Granulated Sugar - 3/4 cup (200 gms)
  • Vanilla extract - 1/2 tsp (only if you are using cornflour else skip it)
  • Butter - 2 tbsp
  • Milk - 1 and 1/2 cups (375 ml)

First add milk in a bowl add butter mix well.Next add vanilla essence and mix again with a whisk.

Eggless Custard Powder Snack Cake Step1

Then add the sugar, mix till it completely dissolves. Alternatively you can powder the sugar and then add so that it dissolves quickly. Sieve maida, custard powder and baking powder then add them to the milk butter mixture. Sieving is always done to avoid any dust particles and also to ensure even spread of the baking powder.
Eggless Custard Powder Snack Cake Step2

Mix until a creamy batter shown below is formed. Then grease a baking pan(I used a 4X4 inch cake pan) with a butter paper and pour the batter into it. Preheat the oven to 180 deg C for 10mins and bake the cake for 35-40mins. Test by inserting a toothpick in the middle of the cake before you switch off.

Eggless Custard Powder Snack Cake Step3

Cool it completely for atleast 20mins then cut into pieces. I halved the orginal recipe and choose a smaller pan accordingly.

Eggless Custard Powder Snack Cake Recipe
My Notes:
  • As I wanted a low fat version I used demerara sugar so my cake was a little brown in color.You can use normal sugar too.
  • Since my cake mould was a bit smaller , my cake was done in 40mins. But the orginal recipes says it might take 45mins and might extend upto an hour depending on the oven type and cake mould you use.
  • I have reduced the butter totally and added more milk instead. The result was a very soft tasty cake.
  • As the name says snack cake, the sweetness is slightly lower than the usual cakes. So you can increase the sugar to 1 cup if you prefer a sweeter cake.
  • The top and bottom slightly browns up giving it a golden yellow in the middle.
Eggless Custard Powder Snack Cake Recipe

I just topped up with some left over choco chips. It is a perfect snack time cake as the sweet is very mild making it ideal with a cup of coffee or tea. The cake was over the same day I baked it so I can promise you on the taste.

Eggless Custard Powder Snack Cake Recipe

The custard flavour gives a very nice flavour to this cake.If you dont have custard powder just substitute it with cornflour and vanilla essence and it gives the same result. When I started trying out custard powder I disliked the taste but slowly started liking it and now have been trying many pudding combinations using it.

Eggless Custard Powder Snack Cake Recipe


  1. Wow,you reduced the butter so much but the cake still looks very fluffy.I am taking your word for it and baking a low-fat version soon!!

  2. Wow...custard cake looks so delectable n irresistible...with less butter n eggless makes low n light...as usual amazing clicks...super

  3. Goodness Sharmilee. Here I came in to see your oats paniyaram and you are done with it long time ago and posted 2-3 more. With work, small kid, family, cooking are you sure you have only 24 hours in a day?

  4. Wonderful and interesting recipe. Cake looks soft, spongy and tempting.

  5. I love low fat bakes as it would be comfortable for regular baking...I loved the texture though u have used very less butter....will give a try sometime 4 sure..:)looks yummy

  6. Super Sharmilee..Bookmarked it..Will try this recipe ASAP

  7. Just 2 tbsp of butter but the cake's got such a lovely texture... Looks so yum... Bookmarking and making it this weekend...

  8. Looks yum ...n so moist ..am tempting to try ..bookmarked it

  9. Nice recipe with custard powder,I have tried in cookies,will have to sure try now for baking cakes,sure will give a nice texture...:)

  10. Very interesting one.. looks inviting.. lovely step by step clicks.. thanks for the recipe dear !!
    Indian Cuisine

  11. Custard powder cake sounds interesting.. have to try this sometime.. thanks for sharing the recipe..

    Sunanda's Kitchen

  12. Wow...custard cake looks so delicious and irresistible...with less butter n eggless makes low n light...still fluffy...super dish indeed..:)

  13. @RedChillies : Ha ha thanks for those nice words...Actually all these are from the drafts which are almost 3months old....When I was at home for 8 months I filled in my drafts so going on with it now. .
    After I started back work I get to cook and click only during weekends. My mother is with me to help so now u know where I get all the time from :)

  14. Gorgeous cake Sharmilee, i love cakes with a touch of another ingredient than just plain flour. Adding the custard powder, or better still, the cornflour is a nice way to add back some health into the cake! Lovely pictures too!

  15. i loved it the 1st time i tried whn aparna posted it..this looks gorgeous

  16. It looks yummy. Its very interesting recipe and Nice presentation. I will try it soon.

  17. Superb cake sharmi.Good job,keep going......


  18. Marvellous and super spongy cake, Adding custard powder sounds truly interesting,unfortunately i dont have custard powder rite now, seriously ur cake tempts me a lot and pulling to make some..

  19. Superb..That looks soo soft n fluffy :-)

  20. Looks yum ...n so moist ..am tempting to try ..bookmarked it

  21. Spongy and yummy cake,lovely texture,love it.

  22. Looks delicious. Love your bright and beautiful pics :)

  23. Omg..they look awesome dear...super like :)..pics are too tempting..:)

  24. i adore simple cakes, wonderful it is!!

  25. Your low fat versions are always attractive to me :) Since I loved this cake will give your version a try soon :) I have eat as much as I want if I make it your way :)

  26. The cake is still so moist and smooth even you have reduced the use of butter. Well done!

  27. Looks very delicious.... Bookmarked!

  28. thats a nice pieace of cake recipe yummy

  29. Custard powder snack cake looks delicious and nice clicks.

  30. Fabulous pictures!! Awesome cake!!

  31. Finger licking delicious n beautiful looking!
    US Masala

  32. this cake looks very good! it's so easy to make :) will try it for sure!
    i might try to replace butter with oil to see what happens ;)

  33. Hi..I'm a beginner in baking...tried your recipe...the taste was good...but, the cake didn't turn brown...i think i should have left it for some more time...this was the first cake recipe that i have tried....your step-by-step instructions and pictures helped me a lot. Thank you.Will try other recipes too.

  34. Hi,
    I'm a beginner in baking.This is the first cake recipe that i've tried.I'm so happy that it came out well.Thank you...

  35. @Tamizhmuhil : Thanks for trying and letting me know. The top forms a slightly brown and the inside is golden yellow as in the pics....But the top browning depends on ur oven too mine is a OTG so the top browns well in the given time itself...May be next time give it an extra 3-5mins and see :)

    @Anonymous : I am happy to hear too!! :)

  36. Hi I Tried this recipe and it turned out very hard from outside and soggy from out side....i dont know where i went wrong....i baked it on 350 f for around 1hr 10 min n still it did not cook from inside???...coulkd u pls help??

  37. @Anon : Oh sorry about the cake...I doubt in the batter consistency...was it runny like mine? And was the measurement exactly same?

  38. @sharmilee.....no yar mine was very thick....but i sure took the right measurements.Mine milk was skim....will sure give it a try again.......but urs look so tempting, was hoping for that kind but mine ended in the garbage lols....it was that bad.....

  39. @Geet : I'm sure then the measurement would have been missed somewhere...becos for the above measurement the batter was in flowing consistency...as in the stepwise pics
