Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Uppu Seedai | Gokulashtami Recipes

When I first told the idea of making seedai to amma, with a eyebrow raised she warned me not to as she had heard so many bursting disaster stories. But seeing my excitement gone down in seconds, she gave her binding book(old recipes in papers binded together to form a recipe book) and asked me to try it from there as it was well explained with tips too.After putting mittu to sleep, I read it atleast thrice and had the feeling of reading for exams yes I almost memorised the recipe and the tips :) The next day morning I made the rice and urad dhal flours ready as I wanted to make it from the scratch.

I reserved the bursting part he he I mean making seedai and the clicking part to the weekend. I put some 4 balls and went out of the kitchen for few seconds, peeped out to see whether any disaster happened. My seedais popped out beautifully with the golden color, no splits no bursts - I felt like shouting Yayy!! my first seedai attempt is a success....:) The small pebbly balls is no more a terrorist bomber to me ;)

Again a new risky recipe learnt just for blogs sake and to share it with you all and am sure this is going to be my keeper. I have given few tips in my notes section to avoid bursting, hope this helps!
Uppu Seedai Recipe

Uppu Seedai Recipe :

Ingredients (For making from the scratch):
  • Raw Rice -1.5 cups
  • Urad dhal - 2 tbsp
  • Coconut grated - 2 tbsp
  • Butter - 4 tbsp
  • Sesame seeds - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - as required
Ingredients (For making with readymade flours):
  • Rice flour(fine variety) - 1 cup
  • Urad dhal flour - 2 tbsp
  • Coconut grated - 1 tbsp
  • Butter - 3 tbsp
  • Sesame seeds - 1/2 tbsp
  • Salt - as required

NOTE : If you are using the second set of ingredients(readymade ones) then dry roast both the flours (it is a must), sieve it well and follow from the step3 titled as 'method for making seedai'.

Uppu Seedai RecipeStep 1:
Method for Making rice flour :
First rinse the raw rice twice, drain water completely. Then spread the raw rice in a soft towel and allow it to dry completely for an hr.Then heat a tawa and dry roast the dried raw rice - this is to ensure that the moisture is completely gone. (You can skip this step, grind the raw rice after drying and then dry roast the rice flour)

Making rice flour at home recipe

Grind it to a fine powder and sieve it well. Add the remaining coarse powder to grind in next batch and grind it again and then sieve it. The powder should be very very fine.

Making rice flour at home recipe

Step 2:
Method for making urad dhal flour:
Heat a pan, dry roast urad dhal in a pan until only slightly golden browned and nice aroma comes. Grind it to a fine powder and sieve it once.

Making urad dhal flour at home

Method for making seedai:
Step 3:
Mix both the rice and urad dhal flour and sieve it once more to ensure they are very fine, now ur flour for making seedai is ready. Dry roast the coconut just for few seconds to remove the moisture and also sesame seeds till slightly browned(optional). Then add it with the flours, butter, sesame seeds and required salt mix it well once.

Uppu Seedai Recipe - Step1

Step 4:

Add water little by little to form soft dough. Then roll small balls a round bigger than peas and arrange it in a clean cloth. Dont roll them tightly just pinch , roll them once and put it on the dry cloth. Let it sit for 1/2 an hour for the moisture to leave. Prick a single hole in each ball (optional but I did it randomly but didnt have the patience to prick for all the balls :)) with a toothpick or pin. Heat oil and add the balls in batches.

Uppu Seedai Recipe - Step2

Step 5:
Keep the flame in medium and fry till golden brown and drain it in a kitchen towel or tissue paper. Dont be tempted to take it in slight ivory color then the inside would not have been cooked - my first batch was like that so I made sure to fry the rest till golden brown and they were crispy and perfect.

Uppu Seedai Recipe - Step3
Allow it to cool and store it in an airtight container.

My Notes:
  • Make sure both the flours are sieved well before use.
  • Roll the balls very smooth but gently not tight so that no splits are shown outside.
  • Do not attempt to make bigger balls, for proper cooking inside make small balls a slightly bigger than peas.
Reasons for seedai bursting and tips to avoid them:
  • The moisture or air trapped inside the balls will make the seedai burst so pricking with holes with a needle and resting it in a dry cloth for 30mins were the tips given by my friends brahmin neighbour. And as its the first time I patiently pricked holes for most of the balls :)
  • If the rice and urad dhal flour are not grinded and sieved well they will end up having small grains inbetween which will cause the seedai to burst. So make sure both the flours are sieved well and are very fine.
  • Do not roll the balls tight, do them as smooth and gentle as possible. If you roll it tight then air bubbles might get trapped inside making them burst. Also dont expect to get perfect rounds just pinch roll and allow it to rest.
Uppu Seedai

As this is the first time I am making seedai, I wanted to make it from the scratch and it was worth the effort made. I made the flours 4 days before making seedai so the flours can be made in advance too. Though my favorite is vella(jaggery) seedai, amma warned me to make uppu seedai first then proceed with vella seedai so sure to make it next time and post it here sure :)

Uppu Seedai Recipe


  1. Yum,I can have it all on my own.Love it,but not too daring to try it on my own!Kudos to you!

  2. This reminds me my mom's tiresome job to make this for Gokulashtami..My mom too slightly prick the balls / making them not so perfect round balls also helps preventing from bursting..My mom's tips.. U've done it so perfectly and indeed u need a big round of applause for being the first timer who has managed to do it beaaautifully..Kudos

  3. Hi sharmi i usually make sweet seedai for Gokulashtami urs uppu seedai looks delicious and surely will try for this Krishnar jayanthi, book marked.I am waiting for ur next recipes..i want to taste the raw dough..keep doing it..

  4. seedais are looking so perfect and crunchy. well explained steps sharmi. im tempted to try it soon.

  5. Seedai looks so perfectly done. Crunchy and yummy dear.

  6. wow..perfect seedai...lovely kutty krishna..

  7. This looks delicious,love this perfect snack....:)

  8. This is on my list .. just postponing because of the bursting disasters :).. Anyway like you mentioned, I will probably try it for blogging sake. :)


  9. awesome seedai dear...love the crunch...and your clicks are awesome...

  10. Sp perfect rounds ~ crispy n addictive they look :)

  11. wow it came out perfect,recipe is too gud...loved it.Kutti krishna luks amazing:)

  12. Such a delicious and traditional recipe.. looks absolutely perfect.. thanks for sharing dear :)
    Indian Cuisine

  13. Wow,so beautiful seedais, the pics look divinely! Great work :)

  14. even am going to try this with ur method..thanks dear for tips n tricks..looks so good..

  15. You introduced me to a new recipe .... looks very beautiful n delisshhh

  16. super duper seedai!!!as usual nice click!

  17. Wow! It was such a nice post Sharmi, to see the step by step pics also, its so nice when you can try out traditional stuff in your own kitchen. Uppu Seedai is very new to me, hope to try it soon

  18. wow...the step by step explanation makes it easy.... This recipe is new to me... since i am more inclined towards sweet, I will wait for the jaggery version :-)

  19. I love this and you got it so perfect ....nice pics

  20. Your seedais look so perfect Sharmilee!!! I have tried making this once and I just missed being burnt by a few secs. The oil in the wok was actually on the ceiling. From then on I have developed a phobia for frying these or anything for that matter. Hats off to you for trying these :)

  21. Gosh! Looks brilliant. Love those cute looking balls. :)

  22. ahh these look lovely and just perfect

  23. looks perfect.. nice to know that it turned out success at the first time itself.. nice clicks.. love ur krishna idol..

  24. Awesome!! Awesome!!.......amazing clicks.....

  25. Ya,me too have an experience of the burst out recently,from that onwards i decided that i never make it again in my life.But, after seeing ur tips i too hav the success in my next attempt,thanks for ur tips.

  26. great effort and the seedais turned out so well and cute clicks with krishnan idol. BTW, i like your kadai, and now iam seriously searching for a good kadai

  27. I love them.
    As far as I know, resting them for abut 30 minutes is enough to avoid the bursting part. That's what we do. And pricking is not needed.

  28. Ahaa :) First class post! Happy KJ to you and yours - seedais are outta sight!!!

  29. Crunchy and delicious..awesome clicks dear

  30. Feel like munching some..i'll keep aside for few minutes before frying, never tried pricking them,will try next time..

  31. On seeing the pics, cant believe you are a first timer... A big kudos to you.. Great job Perfectly done... p.s. I dont think I still have the patience or courage to try this..

  32. fabulous clicks, lovely explanations, a great recipe..

  33. enjoyed reading your first few para about your attempt :) really u made it success,came out very good n perfect...thanx for the step wise pictures..bookmarked n want to try soon!!! no words to say abt your pictures n presentation..U ROCK !!! love it !!!

  34. Woww... looks simply delicious and perfect.. beautiful presentation too.. thanks for sharing :)

  35. I love to munch them. You made a perfect round shape seedai.


  36. i never got the courage to make them..the bursting of course! they look just perfect!

  37. well presented...perfectly done...

  38. They look so perfect. I love the pictures sharmilee

  39. Oh I am waiting for my MIL to make these seedai!

  40. have never had them but they look so darn cute

  41. I remember eating this long back and fell in love with this crispy balls. Nice snaps.

  42. Lovely pics ! They look delicious too!

  43. wow.. super. looks perfect without any cracks. krishnar cute a irukar.

  44. Sharmi, Thanks for the recipe. I tried it and came out pretty well..Your suggestion to prick them helped from bursting !!!Thanks a lot for that..

  45. uppu seedai is kalakal....i avoid making it at home becoz of bursting during deep fry...but ..thing i have to work on it n ur seedai tempts me to do it....thnx for ur comments on my each n every post....feeling g8....thnx Meena's Kitchen

  46. Sharmi .. have you tried making this with store bought flour. Only the homemade flour worked fine for me.


  47. @Vardhini : I havent tried but my friends have tried and said it came out good....the store bought flour we get should very fine.

  48. looks good ! I tried it with home made flour too, with a little of maida and fried gram flour and its was perfectly ok.. But I love the method of making this flour from scratch too ! Should def help me for the kozhikottai that I plan to make soon :-)
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