Friday, March 26, 2010

Moist Chocolate Cake(With no eggs & butter) - Step by Step Recipe

I googled & googled for a very basic chocolate cake recipe and there were soooo many....But my constraint was no eggs, butter and it should be very simple. Trust me, any beginner can try this and I guarantee it wud turn out perfect without any flaws. But the quantity and mixing need to be noted down very carefully as it may be turn sticky and not cooked inside if inaccurate.The picture may not be all that great but taste is no lesser than a brownie.

I've recommended this recipe to few friends, cousin they too tried & agreed with me about the taste. And finally it was certified by my niece, she liked it soo much, and when I heard that she took it to school daily till it got over I was on top of the world!! Am waiting for my lil one to taste it too.....though have given her few pinches of this cake, she was licking & didnt leave my fingers :)
Moist Chocolate Cake

Dry Ingredients:
  • All purpose flour - 1 and 1/2 cups (225 gms)
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp
  • Baking soda - 3/4 tsp
  • Baking powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Salt - 1/4 tsp
  • Granulated Sugar - 3/4 cup (200 gms) [Increase it to 1 cup if you dont use choco chips]
  • Chocolate Chips - 1 tbsp
Wet Ingredients
  • Water - 1 cup (250 ml)
  • Vanilla essence - 1/2 tsp
  • Lemon juice / Vinegar - 1 tbsp (I used lemon juice)
  • Oil - 1/4 cup (60 ml)

Take water in a bowl, add vanilla essence, sugar, lemon juice and oil. Mix well till sugar completely dissolves . Keep aside.

Moist Chocolate Cake

Now take flour, baking soda, baking powder and coco powder and sift together twice atleast to make sure the flour, soda and baking powder and coco powder is evenly spread out.Then slowly add the the sifted flour mixture to the wet ingredients mixture may be in 2 parts.

Moist Chocolate Cake
Gently mix in one direction until no lumps are formed, then add half of choco chips and gently mix it. The batter is runny like you see in the pic.Preheat oven to 180 deg C for 10mins. By the time grease the cake pan with few drops of oil and pour the batter into the cake pan and top it with remaining choco chips. Bake it at 180 deg C for 35-40mins check if a fork inserted comes out clean.

Moist Chocolate Cake

Make sure to cool completely say 10-15 mins and then invert carefully and cut into pieces and enjoy.

Moist Chocolate Cake

My Notes:
  • The mixing and measurements matters the most for the perfect moist cake. Have updated the recipe again with measurements after 2-3 trials.

  • Select the cake pan accordingly as the batter should be atleast half of the pan when you pour it. Also I've halved the measurements from the orginal recipe.

  • Using chocochips is purely optional but I recommend adding it. Also if you dont add chocochips increase sugar to 1 cup


  1. That is super moist and chocolatey...Yumm!! Wish to have a slice.


  2. Heartiest congratulations to you for your award.
    Cake looks delicious, soft and yummy. I appreciate for your wonderful presentation. Cake looks mouth watering and I feel like having it now.

  3. Looks moist and yumm :) I am not big fan of chocolate still this makes me mouth water :)

  4. Looks sooooo soft and moist choco cake...

  5. Congrats..........Cake looks very soft.

  6. looks soo beautiful n delicious.. perfect presentation.. :)

  7. Cake looks super moist Sharmi, sharmi while making out cake next time with wheat flour, try to get whole wheat pastry flour..u will definitely get the same raisened cake..Am not a professional in baking but somehow i learned through blogging, hope this helps..Congrats on ur awards..

  8. the cake looks just soft and spnogy....very welcoming too...congrats on ur awards.....

  9. Thanks Priya but we dont get wheat pastry flour here in India

  10. Super.looks soft and spongy.first time here i guess.ur pics are awesome..ofcourse recipes too :)

  11. Sharmilee,

    Moist chocolate cakes looks great.

  12. I have tried this recipe too, S and loved it for this taste and simplicity.

  13. Cake looks beautiful and moist,spongy; looks so tempting and yummy.

  14. Wow...cake really looks moist and soft.
    You're right abt whole wheat doesn't make our cake raise as AP flour does.

  15. That moist and scrumptious cake looks wickedly good!

  16. Hi Shar
    First thing first : I love the look of your blog. Specially the image gallery( can you please tell me how to do it?). And your blog's header photos :-)
    Though I'm not an expert in baking but would love to share this bit of information with you that Using Wheat flour will alter the outcome of the finished product. I get the desired results when I bake it with cake flour. As cake flour is made from soft wheat flour.

    But your cake looks moist and delicious. Wonderful click as well.
    And congrats for your awards :-)

  17. can i have a piece of that mouth-watering choc cake??

  18. This is so healthy and yummy cake, thanks for sharing...

  19. Thanks a lot for ur encouraging words Deepa. Image gallery is nothing but simple html...u can copy paste from mine....If u have any pblm do let me know I'll send u the code.Oh so with wheat flour this will be the outcome?! Hmm okay...

  20. the cake looks very soft for one withour eggs n butter....guilt free recipe

  21. I am sure this one won't help unless u get the whole wheat pastry flour in India! If u use pastry flour the cake will be moist and raise too. Sounds super cool this fat free recipe.

  22. Thanks Sharmilee,
    Thanks for ur quick response!!!
    I need a favour from you: can u plz send me the code and the procedure to


  23. @Deepa : Done, the code is finding its way to ur inbox!! :)

  24. OMG mouth-drooling cake yummm!!

  25. Awesome moist and fresh cake. Loved it. You have a wonderful space with lots and lots of easy interesting recipes to browse. How can i follow u other than face book :):)


  26. Ur cake looks really really yummy dear! OMG, feel like having some now...hehe ;)

  27. mmm..looks so yummy and tempting..I wish I could pick one the clicks too.

  28. Super moist cake...wonderful guiltfree treat :-)

  29. This looks scrumptious and way to hard to resist my temptations

  30. the variations are mind-boggling right?

  31. Looks awesome!! Will surely try it out ! Am encouraged my recent successful attempt at baking no-butter-no condensed milk-no eggs choc cake. This looks wow!

  32. WOWWW,iam awestruck looking at this perfect moist cake.Thats a delicacy.

  33. Sharmilee, I am new to your blog.
    It's yummy cake. Wow moist & superup.

    visit my blog

  34. That looks really dense and moist - perfect!

  35. Wow Sharmilee!!! Love this Cake, bookmarking it, may b try it this week and let u know!!!

  36. I never wanted to make just because it consumes lots of butter ... but this one with no egg and butter .. just perfect for me being in this diet phase

  37. hi please shall i use US measurement cups for the recipe

  38. you are right, this is totally yum :)

  39. hmm, love these pictures very much, the pink yellow colours contrasts with the goey cake. with choco chips, it will be heavenly!!

  40. Hi, I tried this with self raising flour but without the baking soda and powder. The taste was good but the cake didnt raise much. IS this beacuse the lack of baking powser? I didnt use it as the flour was "self-raising".. Please help :(

  41. @Priti :Actually the cake doesnt double like normal cakes but still it will raise to a certain level as shown in the above pic.

    I havent used self raising flour even once so am not sure of the outcome....But then the orginal recipe doesnt even call for baking powder, it uses only baking soda So I think that might not be the problem.I doubt on the amount of BP and BS in the selfraising flour. So I suggest u to try it with normal APF, with given baking soda n baking powder measurement and see.

  42. gayathri

    Hi tried this one. Everyone liked this. I have changed the ratio of maida 1 1/2 cup to 1 1/4cup of maida and included 1/4 cup of oats to it. the cake came with crust and nice texture

  43. @Gayathri : Thanks for trying and letting me know the results too. Thats great that you included oats too a healthy idea.Will try it out next time I bake this cake.

  44. Hi Sharmi,

    Love the look of the cake. wanna take a bite from the pic itself. i have a question for you. just wanted to know if can this be made in the microwave, i have the convection type. can all the baked stuff in your blog be made in the microwave oven ? i have always had disasters with microwave baking. pls help me out with this.

  45. @Shirley : I own a OTG but yes you can very well try that in your microwave convection mode, my friend has tried this in microwave. And all the cake recipes can be very well tried in microwave convection mode

  46. Hi,
    I tried ur recipe using microwave guess what it
    turned out gr8 ...i just microwaved it for high 7 min it turned g8 thanks for this healthy recipe

  47. Nice moist cake.
    1st time visitor and a follower too.

  48. I have been searching the web for a healthy version of a chocolate cake. I am so happy to have found this space. I am going to make it today. Just one question - what is the size of the cake tin? 20cm or 18cm? Look forward to your reply and then I'll get baking...

  49. Will give it a go with 20cm and let you know how I get on. Thanks.

  50. Tried this recipe yesterday and it turned out very well! Its over in less than a day! :D Thanks so much!

  51. Hi Sharmilee
    i am new to cooking.....baked ur moist cake today it was stupendo fabulously fantastic JUST LOVED IT:-) but the only problem was i dint have oven reading so i bought a new oven thermometer which i dint know how to operate but managed to keep the temperature in 180deg but it used to come down to 170deg was getting scared but everything went on u know how to use oven thermometer? i dint know how to preheat the oven also but some how the end got a beautifull soft moist cake which i never expected thank u Sharmilee

  52. Hi, Tried the recipe last night..Came out very well and would quote the reaction from my nine year old son.."Superb and now we don't have to go for buying cakes from a bakery!!!"...These are for you..Kudos to you for the step by step procedure and pictures...Thanks a lot..

  53. @Sheeja : Wow great to hear that, ur comments made my day :)

    @Archana: I havent heard about oven thermometer. I havent used any oven other than a OTG that I own so cant help u in this regard.But glad that ur cake turned out perfect :)

  54. @bakingdevils : I'm not sure of the size but guess it must be 4X4 inches

  55. Just made one for my family for afternoon tea time. It's in the oven now just have to wait 35-40 mins for it to bake. Hope it goes well. I'll post another message later about how it tasted and if it went well.

  56. @Celine : Thats so nice, am waiting to hear ur feedback about the cake :)

  57. i bake this cake yesterday it was nice but littil sweetless,my cup size is 250ml i add 1 and half cup and 3/4 cup sugar..i cook in pressure cooker beacuse i dont have microwave baking time was 45 min,thanks given us such a nice reciepe,plz gave me other eggless biscute and cakes recipes

  58. hai..i find 2 kinds of cocoa powder..sweetened and unsweetened...which one to use??

  59. @Muskaan : Tried in pressure cooker?1 thats great to hear...may be next time you can reduce the sugar. Check the recipe index and also the side bar for more eggless cakes and cookies....

    @Tamizhmuhil : Use unsweetened coco powder for this recipe

  60. @Muskaan : Tried in pressure cooker?1 thats great to hear...may be next time you can reduce the sugar next time. Check the recipe index and also the side bar for more eggless cakes and cookies....

    @Tamizhmuhil : Use unsweetened coco powder for this recipe

  61. This is bookmarked ! My kiddo will love it surely :-)

    thx for posting..

  62. The cake looks fantastic.. i saw it in the popular section and now i know why it is so popular!:)
    lovely texture!
    Richa @ Hobby And More Food Blog
