Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Homemade Creamy Peanut Butter

The first time I tasted peanut butter was at my friends place and I totally disliked the taste. Then once during one chat session with my cousin sis, she mentioned about the taste and health benefits of peanut butter, so thought I should give a try once again and bought a small pack of peanut butter. It comes in 2 varieties crunchy(bits of peanuts here and there) and creamy(no bits very creamy). To my surprise my lil one luved it, whenever she sees the container even after it got finished she would identify and ask for it. So this urged me to try peanut butter at home. This can be done in a jiffy if roasted peanuts are ready. It was so creamy and tasty sure better than the store bought ones as it was minus added preservatives and loaded flavors.
Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe
The texture totally depends on your taste, as I made this specifically for my lil one I made it as a creamy version. The crunchy version tastes too gud too.So no more store bought peanut butter :)

  • Peanuts(unsalted) - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Honey - 2 tsp
  • Oil - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - a pinch
Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe
  1. Dry roast the peanuts in a tawa till the skin tends to be crispy and nice aroma comes.

  2. Cool it and then peel of the skin. I usually take a handful of peanuts, rub it with both the hands and blow off the skin...repeat the process for the 1 cup, this way its easy to peel off the skin.

  3. Now add the peanuts, honey, sugar, salt and oil in a mixie/food processor and grind them for few minutes till they turn into a paste like consistency.

  4. Transfer to a clean container, use clean spoon everytime. Enjoy as a spread for bread or eat it as such :)
Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe
Facts and health benefits about Peanut Butter: [Source : Google]
  • One of the health benefits of peanut butter is the amount of fiber found in each serving.

  • In addition to being every kid's (and many grownup kid's) favorite sandwich filling, peanuts pack a serious nutritional punch and offer a variety of health benefits.

  • Peanut butter contains fairly high quantities of dietary fiber, amounting to about 8%, which again helps in regulating both blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

  • While the nutritional content of various brands will differ slightly, the bottom line is that there are a number of benefits of peanut butter. In order to get the most benefit, you may want to consider making your own peanut butter at home. This will provide a boost in the nutritional value you derive from the product.

  • Many reasons some avoid peanut butter is due to it being high in calories with a fat content of many calories and several grams of fat per two tablespoon serving. You will be happy to know that the majority of the fat in peanut butter is monounsaturated a type of fat that lowers the risk of heart disease.

  • One of the benefits of peanut butter that many people are unaware of is the presence of resveratrol; this agent has anti-microbial properties that help the body to effectively deal with bacteria and various types of fungi.
Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe

My Notes :
  • The consistency and texture totally depends on our taste. You can make it even more thick by reducing oil to 1/2 tbsp.

  • Once it is grinded to a paste just use the whip option if u are using mixie and whip it 2-3 times to bring everything together easily.

  • Dont add more oil, once u start grinding the peanuts will leave oil too.

  • For the crunchy version just grind it such that its a paste with bits of peanuts, ie in a coarse form.

Isnt it easy?! Even ur lil ones will be happy to help u in making this.....It is indeed a childs play so give them a chance!


  1. Sharmilee, I too did'nt like peanut butter in the starting. but recently my neighbour gave me crunchy p.b and i liked it a lot.

    Good that you prepared at home. looks absolutely delicious!!

  2. I am not a big fan of peanut,tasted only once, still looking good,sure home made ones has its own special taste :)

  3. i rarely buy this from the supermarket, but i never know we can make this at home. looks very creamy and great clicks too

  4. Looks really creamy dear..I love it but never attempted at home...sounds very simple....

  5. Creamy n yummy peanut butter..It sounds so easy to prepare..Looks perfect!!

  6. Homemade peanut butter!that is totally new to me.Looks too good.Btw you can steam puttu in idly tray too:)

  7. Peanut butter looks perfect,love the texture,yummy.

    Pushpa @

  8. Love peanut butter very much, nothing will beat the homemade peanut butter na, yet to try at home..

    Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes

  9. love peanut butter....and this one looks delicious....but have never tried at home..i must now...

  10. We absolutely love peanut butter... now with your recipe, we can avoid the store bought one and make fresh @ home


  11. Homemade is always the best..looks awesome Perfectly done!

    US Masala

  12. Yumm.. if ur lil one has approved.. it must have been right!
    lil ones have better palatte for taste

  13. wow...that looks fabulous sharmi, i love peanut butter too...

  14. Bookmarked!!!! looks so perfect and yummy!!

  15. Not a big fan of peanut butter ....... but the clicks make me think twice now !!


  16. Homemade peanut butter looks delicious.

  17. This is sooooo good :) It makes the job simple and I'm sure this would be tastier than the store bought one. The last time I got a pack, I found it boring and bad since it dint have sugar in it :(

    Will try your version. It sounds simple and yummy as well :)

  18. I like peanuts and I often buy the 2 pack jars from Costco. My daughter loves it with honey or maple syrup. Sometimes with banana's is yum.thanks for sharing this recipe. I have not thought of making peanut butter at home before.

  19. It is very rich n lovely...

    you re welcome to my space too...

    Tasty Appetite

  20. WOW !I like peanut butter too and I didn't know making it was so easy. Thanks for the recipe :)

  21. nice idea to make peanut butter at home. where is the butter in the recipe? US la, consistency will be very thick.

  22. @Mahima : There is no butter seperate as such....the peanut and oil makes it to a butter consistency. Here also we get it thick, I made it pastey to be easy for a spread. The consistency purely depends on our choice :)

  23. First time to your blog... Lovely blog...
    Perfect and yummy peanut butter.........

  24. What a lovely recipe. Loved it. It's my first time here and am totally in love with your space :)

  25. though am not a big fan of peanut, urs look very buttery and wanting to try!

  26. I love making PB at home. It's so simple and tastes so good. Yours looks delicious!

  27. Wow..Home made peanut butter,looks absolutely delicious dear.

  28. YAY! thumbs up for good home made natural peanut butter! your pictures are gorgeous!
