Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Bday wish and my rasamalai experiment ;)


Hmm first I admit that this pista cke was from Mcrennet and not from my kitchen...I havent tried my hands yet in baking and stuff. When I was wondering what cake to order for hubbys bday.....I made up my mind not to stick with choc as I am bored of having choc cake everytime....also my cam wanted to click something other than brown......;) so opted for pista . I wasnt much satisfied with the write up on the cake...the girl was in such a hurry that she scribbled like this....forget it... but the taste was yum yum! is hubbys bday....Here is me wishing him a very happy bday and this post is esp for him! Have you ever wondered why we celebrate bdays??!! Does it mean only new dresses, gifts, partying with friends, chocs n cakes? I feel Birthdays remind us that the gift of life is the most precious and important one! And to me birthdays are more special than any other festival....its the special time to celebrate the gift of 'you' to the world. coming to my rasamalai experiment....I was in a thought of making a sweet that I hvent tried yet so my choice was Rasamalai, went through 4-5 random recipes....mostly of them had the same method. So yesterday after a tiring day at office... came home and started to prepare this sweet. After the cottage cheese was ready I couldnt shape it into where to flatten it....:( But followed the same steps and the result was like therati was yummy though it didnt taste and look like rasamalai ha ha...So what to name my sweet, any suggestions?

But was pretty much pleased with this click of mine....As there was no enough light ,I had to use flash.....The sweet was cream color n so the flash was over harsh n the picture seemed to look washed out with white. And here is where the I used ISO setting and it worked out too...I used ISO 800 for this click though a lil grainy I cud see some blur at the back....heya I m atleast 25% achieved the blurring effect...!

NOTE:Check my photography basic elements post for more details.

Here is the method I followed:
1. To make cottage cheese - I boiled the milk, Added few drops of lemon juice till the milk curdled
2. Transfered the curdled milk into a muslin cloth to drain out the water. After sometime I tried to divide and shape into small balls........but here is where the pain started I cudnt roll it at all...:(
3. Made a thick sugar syrup , dropped the semi balls into the syrup and they started to the balls were not strong enough
4. Then added these scrambled rasamalai's to the thickened milk(done seperately)
5. Added cardamom powder and garnished with pistachios and almonds

Have any of you faced the same pblm? Do let me knw where I went wrong.....And I m sure to try it again with pleasure....:)


  1. Happy Birthday to ur Hubby. Cake looks very delicious. Rasmalai looks very delicious

  2. Happy b'day to your hubby..Lovely cake and rasmalai..

  3. Hey,
    I have a rasmalai recipe on my blog. check it out and see if it works for you. It worked excellant for me.

  4. happy b'day to your hubby ..:)
    The cake sure looks yum..:)..the rasmalai is no way lesse than the a great fan of this thing..creamy sweet yummy..:)
    Also I dint quite understand the cam jargons at first..:P..thanks for the previous post..I could get something..:)

  5. Happy bday to your hubby and I should say the attempted rasmalai does look very appetising :)

  6. Thanks everyone for the wishes, I did convey it to him :)

  7. happy bday to ur loved one!
    rasamalai looks so good!

  8. bday wishes to your hubby.. Rasamalai is sure a great treat! Looks delicious

  9. belated birthday wishes to your hubby. nice clicks.. like the silky background of rasmalai.

    i have an easy recipe. just buy readymade rasgullas.. squeeze excess water slightly and drop them in milk+condensed milk mixture :)

  10. U too brutus!!!... neeyuma recipe blog aarambichitte!!!...anyway, I guess I can help u out in the rasmalai thingy...after u drain the paneer, u have to knead it well using ur palms without applying too much pressure until it's kinda creamy... the shortcut I take is to run it in the mixie for just 2 secs...& only then u can roll it into balls or whatever... try it next time & let me know the result...;) If u r ok with eggs, u can try rasmalai made using milk pwd & egg... I've not tried it here as my parents r vegetarians...


  11. Sharmilee, You Have to Knead the Paneer, before shaping into balls, it takes some 5 minute's. still if u have problem, add very little maida and make the ball's.

    After the ball's are shaped drop them in sugar water(no need for pagu patham and all) just pressure cook the paneer balls in sugar water upto 4 whistles. ball's will become double in size, then you can drop them in thick milk.
