Monday, April 13, 2009

My search for Nokia 1600!

Oflate almost when this model got out of production, my eyes turned towards it though I had a liking from the very beginning of the models introduction when the ad said "Vilithidu India vilithidu" as it had a talking alarm. It was the same case with all of my mobiles.....Either I like the model late or tend to buy it once the production gets down. But the other 3 mobiles I own didnt give such a tough time....we found it after searching in 5-6 shops.

And as always the poor victim is my hubby who accompanies me for the search. We had almost searched this model in all the mobile outlets and the only answer was this model is gone and u'll not find it anywhere. Hubby also suggested to go in for a 2nd hand seeing my craze for it....But then I didnt want to, as I was not used to this 2nd hand stuff for any products that I buy esp mobiles. My craving for this model grew day by day esp when I knew its not available :)

This time I almost gave up...and said lets leave it after having a tiring search. But hubby didnt want to.... so searched in few online sites and most of them didnt show it even in the search resuls. To our surprise ebay had one in stock...we booked it at once, the next day there was a msg from ebay saying that one piece that is in stock is damaged so asked us to select someother model, they also convinced us saying that they wud give a higher model for the same cost. We replied back saying to refund the money as we were specific abt the model. Few days later there was a msg saying we have shipped the same model u had asked for. When I saw this mail.....I was skeptical whether I wud get the model I asked for or some other!? I was waiting for the home delivery and 2 days later amma called up saying it has come....gone I cudnt concentrate anything @ off so applied an hrs permission and left home. Oh my god only when I opened the parcel and saw the set I was totally relaxed and happy. The color was white....but I didnt bother abt it as I had this habit of changing the panel. Cant express the feeling of getting a thing u longed/searched for sooo long!

Now coming to its features.....I understand this was the same question many of my friends asked : Wat was soo special abt it? I had no apt answer to them except tat I liked it which itself is special ;) Search in so many shops, many confused faces at the shops seeing me, an hrs permission at office all for a model which didnt have any fancy features - yes it was a basic color model with a talking alarm tats it. I luved the glossy and attractive! Also the receivers voice needs a special mention...Its so clear even in Chennai traffic!

Though I've tried few other brands also....I am a huge fan of Nokia products and tats the reason why all of my mobiles in my museum ;) are nokia except for 1 which is Sony. I havent found any flaws with my N1600 till now....I usually find some fault within a weeks time of buy which can be a minor one to others but matters to me the most :( But this time its been close to a yr & no disappointments with N1600 and Nokia rocks!!

Through the years I havent been that lucky enough to get what I wanted(right from my career till the simplest things like these) at that instant....but I get it after a struggle n delay but something best & worth the delay and I am really very happy with it!! :)


  1. Enjoy your new gadget, worth the wait for you, huh? :)

  2. Ha ha... thats awesome! The sweetness would be realised only after a long struggle... its worth the wait! :)

  3. Yep exactly worth the wait but its not new...its close to a yr now :)

  4. I could feel how happy you are!I too prefet basic model mobiles.I'm still using nokia 1110 and i don't wanna change it.Got attached to it sentimentally!

  5. Hope you are having fun with your new mobile... I understand how good it is to wait for something or strive hard to get only then we enjoy it completly and ofcourse we will really appreciate the value of things...

  6. This looks very similar to Nokia something. The key pads were kinda hard and it took sometime to type sms's. But this is far better than that utterly disgusting Motorola Razor I have.

  7. Congrats on your new Nokia! Looks so cute.

  8. most of us love Nokia. Love their menu style and usability. Enjoy urs.

  9. Hi Sharmilee, I have shared an award with you in my blog.. Pls accept it :)
